Rachel Barber-Mack

Since it’s relaunch in 2014, Rachel has been leading Media Smart, the UK advertising and media industry’s award-winning education non-profit with a mission to ensure that every 7–21-year-old can confidently navigate the media they consume including being able to identify, interpret and critically evaluate all forms of advertising. The programme provides free educational resources for teachers, schools, parents/guardians, and digital campaigns direct to its youth audience. Subjects include social media, digital advertising, political advertising, scam ads, greenwashing, body image, influencer marketing, creative careers and piracy which are delivered in the classroom, assembly, youth club or at home.

Media Smart also inspires – and provide pathways for – all young people to enter the working world of advertising and media, driven by their increased knowledge, understanding and curiosity about this industry landscape.

The supporter base brings together over 40 advertisers, agencies, media and trade bodies to support Media Smart’s mission.

When she was 30, Rachel co-founded her own youth marketing agency, running award winning social impact campaigns for the the likes of Apple, EA Sports and MTV.

Rachel is also Programmes Director at Asbof – which funds and promotes self-regulation in the UK through the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). And a Parent Governor at her local primary school in Leicestershire.


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