Guido Scorza

Guido Scorza

Lawyer, journalist, adjunct professor of new technology law and privacy. Guido Scorza is currently member of the Board of the Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante per la protezione dei dati personali). He was responsible for national and European legal affairs for the digital transformation team, legal advisor to the Minister for Innovation, deputy representative of the Italian government at the Government Advisory Board of ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), and member of the policy subgroup of the ad hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence Regulation of the Council of Europe. He has always been involved in law and new technologies, both as a lawyer and in his public positions. He teaches at several Italian universities. Guido Scorza is author of several books, including: “Intelligenza artificiale. L’impatto sulle nostre vite, diritti e libertà” with Alessandro Longo (Mondadori); “La privacy spiegata semplice ai più giovani (e ai loro genitori)” with Michela Massimi (Mondadori); Processi al Futuro” (Egea);  “Internet, i nostri diritti” with Anna Masera (Laterza); “La privacy degli Ultimi” with Eduardo Meligrana (Rubbettino); “Neuroverso” (Mondadori).

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