Lidia Velkova

Lidia is an experienced issues engagement consultant, passionate about understanding issues and taking collective action that can help to more effectively address the ‘wicked problems’ global society faces. Throughout her career, Lidia has advised clients in a number of areas, including deep issues understanding, stakeholder and citizen engagement, multi-market issues management and coalition building, and thought leadership.
Lidia has experience supporting organisations to engage on the issue of digital marketing responsibility and data ethics at national, regional, and global level. She co-led the ‘Your Online Voices’ consumer engagement on which the EDAA partnered with Clever Together to deliver actionable insights of Europeans’ perceptions of and governance expectations of data-driven advertising. More recently, Lidia has also been working on the issue of AI ethics, advising a multinational company on their approach to responsible AI governance and presenting the findings of multi-stakeholder research on the subject at the Paris Conference on AI and Digital Ethics.
Before joining Clever Together, Lidia held global public affairs roles in the communications agencies Edelman and APCO Worldwide. She has also worked as Development Director for a national UK charity.